Welcome to our life!

I figured it was time to start a blog of our own. It seems that is the next step after getting married! Hopefully, this will be a great way to tell stories and keep everyone update on our life! Enjoy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer's Over....School Begins!

Starting to unpack class. Boxes Everywhere!!!
I have a SMARTBOARD! It is so cool!
So the Summer Days are over, and the school year has officially begun. Today we had "Meet the Teacher" and I am looking forward to the upcoming year. The whole 3rd grade moved classrooms this year it took forever to get all those boxes unpacked! But with help from Jamie, I got my room looking spiffy!

After a few weeks of cleaning and organizing, I got my class they way it needed to be! Here is the "after" pictures!
Sitting in groups
A picture from the back of the classroom, in my library
My Front Door! Mrs. Beatty!
 So tomorrow starts a brand new year, with brand new students, and a new outlook of teaching! Can't wait to start out the new school year as Mrs. Beatty!!!


  1. Hey Mrs. Beatty!!!
    I love your classroom! Hope your first week has been wodnerful! miss you and love you!

  2. Saw your blog - great classroom! Mrs. Beatty AWWWWW. Me and your Mom were sitting here and found your blog- now let's see if we can post??? Jayne and Mom

  3. Okay, it worked. Classroom looks great hope the kids love it too. You are a great teacher and daughter. Love Mom
